Creepy Questions for Kristin Bedford

Kristin’s List, the Los Angeles cultural listing site, is the best of its kind in a city long mocked for its supposed cultural bereft-ness by callous East Coast sophisticates (like me.)

Kristin Bedford defies that cliché with cold, hard facts and winnows the dizzying cornucopia of events and activities on offer in LA to a highly selective, manageable directory— from intellectual to frivolous, fun to enriching, sometimes all at the same time and with big potential for rewarding the curiosity in us all.

Born in Washington, DC, with a background in politics, fashion, photography and a stint in big, bad NYC before moving west three years ago, she has run with the wolves and slept with the lambs.

What do you love about Halloween in Los Angeles?

Nudity. In most places Halloween is a chance for women to dress like prostitutes outfitted by the local costume superstore. LA has no need for such minutia. Strip down, maybe add a little body paint, glitter, a cape or some heels… costume complete.

What costumes did you wear as a kid?

In the 3rd grade Wonder Woman, 6th a punk rocker, 7th a piece of toast, 8th Andy Warhol and 9th a British colonialist, but what stands out most is what I didn’t wear.

In the 4th & 5th grades my sole dream was to dawn Deborah Harry‘s white slip dress and armband from the cover of Parallel Lines. Unfortunately my mother did not share this dream and categorized the idea as “traipsing around the neighborhood in lingerie.”

Any costume plans for this year?

Maybe Deborah Harry from the cover of Parallel Lines.

What’s you favorite scary movie?

Alien… ”In space, no one can hear you scream.”

What character in a horror film do you most identify with?

The woman in the bikini swimming on the original Jaws poster.

What’s the scariest thing about LA?

American Apparel ads.

Photo: Zev Berman

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