Get bustin' with these custom "Ghostbusters" or "Dharma Initiative" Converse

From the Halloween Wishlist


Two things your Ghostbusters and “Lost” Dharma Initiative costumes have in common: 1. A grey jumpsuit. 2. Custom Converse.

Sure, you’ll also want either a proton pack or gasmask to complete the ensemble, but really, how can you beat these rare, made to order Chuckies to stand out from the rest of the crowd?

With the Ghostbusters pair you have a choice of color schemes, plus the classic Ghostbusters logo, and your name stitched along the heel. With the “Dharma” shoes, two different color options are available, with your choice of assorted “Lost” related phrases to pick from for the heel stitching, including “the numbers.”

Options for the Lost shoe heel stitching. What, no, "LaFleur"?

Options for the Lost shoe heel stitching. What, no, "LaFleur"?

Currently available now only through eBay, the shoes are listed with an opening bid of $200 and a buy it now price of $250:

Don’t get caught in a net without them!

(I’ll try and keep this page updated if new ordering info is made available, but keep an eye on the seller’s eBay page for potential additional sales.)

Do you know of another product that we can’t live without for this Halloween? Email:

The "black" Dharma Initiative shoes... be sure to wear with a black hoodie.

The "black" Dharma Initiative shoes... be sure to wear with a black hoodie.