From realms of horror beyond L.A.
Skull-A-Day endeavors to make “a skull image every day for a year” using all sorts of media. They even made a fun skull font, free to download. (h/t Will Campbell)
How to make your own “witch kitchen jars” filled with bat blood, hob goblin brains, dragon embryos, and other regular pantry items. From Aranamuerta, where you can also find more on making spooky Halloween props. (h/t El Chavo!)
Frankensteinia is a blog devoted to everything about that big, lumbering hunk of cobbled body parts, from movie adaptations to guides on building your own monster costume. (h/t Ghost Droppings)
The trick: getting the living to learn more about the Fair Trade movement. The treats: “fair trade” chocolates and party favors for the kids with literature for the parents. Click for more on the “Fair Trade Trick or Treat Action Kit”. (h/t greenlagirl at BlogHer)