Sci-Fi Network’s “Ghost Hunters” is a reality show following The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS) and their efforts to document or dispel anywhere the production budget can take them.
In July they aired an episode taking them to Los Angeles. In one segment, they went to check out Jim Henson Studios, formerly the Charlie Chaplin Studios, on La Brea, to investigate a spirit that has appeared to stagehands wearing a longblack coat and top hat. Having personally worked on the soundstage there, I can personally affirm the strange vibes… although the TAPS crew believes they caught a spectre on video.
The main focus of the episode was a house next to the Benedict Canyon property where the infamous Manson Family slayings took place. Since Roman Polanski’s former home, where Sharon Tate and three others were killed, has since been razed, the owner of the house next door believes the spirits may have moved in with him. The TAPS guys were able to record some very strange audio – possibly of a child or high pitched female, trying to communicate with the investigators. And using a Ouija board, they asked the ghosts to identify themselves. The answer? Sharon Tate and Jay Sebring.
After the jump, a video clip of the first part of the episode.