Sure THIS HALLOWEEN CARD is the antithesis of how I feel about Halloween and Halloween cards, but I love Uncooked Cards so much that I’ll profile them just for those people who do ‘get it’ and enjoy it.
If you don’t know is a little boutique greeting card company that makes –and I know I hate the word too— “irreverent” cards. There really is no other word for them. Keep in mind, these cards aren’t for your grandmother, they’re for that friend that has a great sense of humor but you can never seem to impress with a birthday/anniversary/holiday card. Until now. Using simple drawings and non-sequitur lines of brilliance, they’re the non-greeting greeting card. Not available in stores, you can order online HERE at
Though Uncooked only has the one Halloween card I HIGHLY recommend them for all your card needs. Here’s an example of another that I thoroughly enjoy for its wonderfully warped wisdom:
It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m so happy we’re together.
But if you ever leave me I’ll kill you.
Like, literally, I’ll stab you.