After countless years and a different theme each year ( last year’s being locked in a museum at night) ‘ROTTEN APPLE’S 907: A Space Odyssey’ is the name of this year’s popular Burbank Haunted House. What can I say about this haunted house other then it’s absolutely amazing what homeowners will do to see people happy for free. With a line stretched down the block – couples, kids, and people of all walks lined up for this donation only yard haunt located just blocks away from Porto’s (anyone wan’t pick me up some meat pies? Just asking). This is probably the most bizarre haunted house I’ve seen to date. The flyers and overall look of the building show nothing to imply that this is a Haunted House, it’s just billed as a ‘teleportation to outer space’. As you enter you are given boarding passes by women dressed up a futuristic flight attendants. You then scan and enter a very impressive teleportation room. The rest of the house includes impressive sets with timid scares and a very unexpected spinning vortex tunnel finale. I firmly believe this house was created for family’s of all ages. Some small children might be frightened but it definitely seemed kid friendly. While slightly shorter then expected, you’ll still walk away with a big smile on your face! Make sure to drop a donation for the Family Service Agency as you leave!
*ALSO* CreepyLA HIGHLY recommends the same night you visit this Haunted House that you also visit THE BACKWOODS (free) and the GRIFFITH PARK HALLOWEEN TRAIN ( 8$ donation) for a very successful and very cheap night of Halloween Fun! We heard plenty of ‘anybody know other houses we can visit tonight?’ from lot’s of excited family’s.