Show & Tell Your Trick or Treat

trickortreatkidsThe monthly storytelling series at Jumpcut Cafe called “Show & Tell” will feature a Halloween inspired theme for the  Wednesday, October 9th show: “Trick or Treat.”

Based on the same “show and tell” that made elementary school bearable, this version, produced by Claire Dunlap and Vanessa Marshall, is pretty much the same thing, but for adults. Five or six invited “show and tellers” tell a true story revolving around a particular object they’ve brought with them. Attendees are also encouraged to bring an item with them, and at least two will be randomly selected to also share (this means you… bring something creepy or with a creepy tale!)

Past “Show & Tells” have included action figures, DVDs of “The Outsiders,” yearbooks, and short circuited vibrators, and tales about teaching high school, working as an oversized model, bullying kids in school, and how a vibrator became short circuited.

Full disclosure: my girlfriend is one of the producers of the show. I’m the one who suggested the theme because I like to infuse anything and everything with Halloween – and, really, how can you beat the combination of show & tell with trick or treating?

Show starts at 7:15pm and plenty of free street parking abounds. And bring your appetite – Jumpcut Cafe has some quality menu items to choose from. Just save room for candy.

Event details here.