Doomed Radio?

Not sure what your music tastes are, Creepy reader, but I’m always happy to force mine upon you or at the very least suggest some options. If your looking for a soundtrack befitting the approaching Halloween season you might want to check out a couple Soma FM internet radio stations I’ve been feeding on for as long as they’ve been offered on iTunes radio. (You don’t need iTunes to listen.)

Doomed calls itself “dark and scary industrial-inspired music for tortured souls,” and it’s perfect as a soundtrack for your shadow life.

And Cliqhop is like a drug for me; I need a fix of IDM everyday or I just don’t feel good. It’s creepy, sexy and soothing, all at the same time. (Now you know me a little better.)

One BIG problem: internet radio as we now know it may soon die. Learn how you can become an internet radio activist

Even if you’re not politically-minded, you should be aware of the current situation with music royalty rates spiking up sharply, anywhere from 300 to 1200% increases for internet radio stations. Now is the time to do the right thing and take action.

Contact your representatives in Congress and tell them to co-sponsor the Internet Radio Equality Act.

Without it, there is a very real probability that internet stations like SOMA (and public stations like KCRW too, because they also broadcast on the internet) will be forced out of business if Congress doesn’t roll back the new rates enacted by by the Copyright Royalty Board in cahoots with the RIAA and Sound Exchange.

Listen to Soma, make a donation and call Washington.

Thumbnail from Soma FM