The Love Talker, an eerie, supernatural play by Deborah Pryor, tells the tale of two sisters, isolated in the woods of Clinch Mountain, Virginia on the longest day of the year. They do battle over the seductions of a sensual, all-powerful demon and his wild-child succubus, both determined to tempt the women into earthly awakenings, madness and ultimate betrayal.
Ben Kusler directs an award winning cast including Olevia White (from the original cast of Tony-winning play, Far East,) Becca White and Marla Yost.
Performances begin at the Hub Theater in North Hollywood on October 12th and run through November 17th. Performance times are Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 PM and Sundays at 5:00 PM. No performances 10/14 and 11/4. Tickets are $20 at Plays 411, or $10 through Gold Star Events.