“Werewolf” cards designed by Max Temkin.
Back in April, Max Temkin, the creator of the wildly successful game Cards Against Humanity raised $42,451 on his Kickstarter campaign for a deck of cards to play the party game “werewolf.” Max designed the cards and promised to deliver a deck to anyone who pledged $10 to the project, which he estimated would be delivered in May. Five months later, the cards have yet to be delivered, and Max hasn’t updated his backers on the status of the cards in over a month.
Enter Corey Fields, a Kentucky based illustrator who was also inspired to create his own deck of “werewolf” cards and seek funding on Kickstarter. The campaign launched September 26th, also offering a deck of cards for $10, and has already far surpassed the initial goal of $2000 ($6,562 as of this writing). The campaign is scheduled to end on October 17th, with cards estimated to also be delivered in the month.
Fields’ campaign quickly caught the attention of backers of Temkin’s project, eager to have a deck of werewolf cards (any deck) in time for Halloween. “Just don’t pull a Max Temkin on us,” wrote one backer on Fields’ project page.
“At this point I’m ready to get the cards out there by Halloween, but the factors of printing and the backer numbers will ultimately decide if I meet that goal,” Fields wrote in an email to CreepyLA. “I’m not going to lie, if the project does receive several thousand backers, I probably will have trouble making the Halloween goal, but I will do everything I can to get the cards out to backers as quickly as I can. We’re talking a few weeks, definitely not months.”
The last time Temkin sent a message to backers with an update was on August 7th, when he wrote that he expected to have cards in the mail to backers by September 20th. We reached out to Max Temkin directly for comment, but haven’t heard back.
The reality is that if anyone really wants to play werewolf, they can make their own cards at home, or purchase from a wide variety of published sets readily available.
The game is almost identical to that of Mafia, where a group of players sit in a circle and, through random distribution of cards, each is assigned an identity – most are “villagers” while one is “the werewolf.” With the help of a moderator instructor all villagers to close their eyes, the werewolf chooses a victim. When players open their eyes again, they are told who fell prey, and must guess who the werewolf among them is. This continues for multiple rounds and much skullduggery.
Regardless, the werewolf battle is on: whose Kickstarter set will deliver to backers first? Experience Kickstarter creator and successful game designer Max Temkin, with a project that is at least five months behind schedule, or Corey Fields, the illustrator and first time Kickstarter creator, with an ambitious delivery date set for later this month?