Last year’s inaugural Coffin Hunt was quite a success. With the help of Hidden Los Angeles, thousands of Angeleno’s scoured the city for thirteen small coffins that were tucked away in assorted nooks and crannies of historical, fun, and sometimes morbid locations. Mind you, these weren’t your normal miniature coffins – inside were a variety of prizes. But the real draw were the coffins themselves, each decorated by a local street artist, like Kophn One, Destroy All Design, The $tatus Faction, and Zombie.
Seriously – check these things out.

The $tatus Faction’s coffins were multi-media, with textured exteriors and lacquered pieces inside.
Of course, we’d be insane NOT to bring it back. Nothing brings us more pleasure than watching our readers beg for clues, then get lost all over the city in their greedy hunt for a coffin.
But first things first – we have in our possession a bunch of coffins, and now need to find artists who have the time and passion to design some of these for the sake of giving them out to random strangers.
If you’re an artist who’d like to participate, please read below and fill out the form. If you’re not an artist, help us spread the word by posting a link to this article on Facebook, Twitter, and maybe your favorite art related blogs and message boards.
As for everyone else… more details on the Coffin Hunt will be released as Halloween approaches.
(Note to potential sponsors: If you’re interested in sponsoring this year’s Coffin Hunt and receiving repeated coverage on both CreepyLA and Hidden Los Angeles for thirteen days in mid-October, please contact: creepyla @ gmail dot com.)
Here’s the skinny:
- Participating artists will each be sent TWO coffins by the end of August. They will need to decorate, design, and return their finished work to CreepyLA by October 1st.
- Artist will be responsible for all costs of designing and decorating the coffins.
- One of the coffins will be used in the Coffin Hunt, given away, free, at CreepyLA’s discretion.
- The coffin not used in the hunt will be used in a Kickstarter campaign or a related promotion to help raise money to cover the costs of the Coffin Hunt. Artist will receive 50% of any sales, Kickstarter or otherwise, this coffin is sold through.
- Each participating artist will have their Facebook fan page, if available, and/or link to their personal site tagged or mentioned on Hidden Los Angeles and CreepyLA’s Facebook pages, exposing them to hundreds of thousands of online impressions.
Sound good? Then please fill out this form by August 16th. Selected artists will be notified by August 23rd.
The deadline to apply to be an artist in the 2012 Coffin Hunt has passed. If you’d like to sponsor the Coffin Hunt or have any other inquiries please email us at creepyla at gmail dot com.