Coffin Hunt #10 clue: It's in the boot.

Today's coffin designed by The $tatus Faction.

The featured prize for today’s successful grave digger is a pair of tickets to Haunted Play: Delusion.

After attending “Haunted Play: Delusion” for the first time last night, we’re even more excited to be making these a prize… even if you don’t win head on over to this interactive Halloween attraction that leaves your typical safeguards behind. Indeed, the scareactors of this haunt can, and probably will, touch you as you’re ushered throughout an entire creepy mansion. Distracting exit signs? Pfft. You’re stuck in this house of horrors, kids.

The finder of this coffin will also receive:

For those who show up a little late for the coffin, a few stickers and other goodies should be left behind as a consolation prize.

As for today’s clue:

Others have taken their cars to this spot, but we wouldn’t recommend it. Wear your hiking boots, bring a bottle of water, and use caution for today’s daring hike to the coffin.

Not sure what the Coffin Hunt is all about? Read our initial entry on the subject.